- This Notes section is only visible on this first page.
- To make the selection of a species easier, family divides the species selection. With every family selection, the species selector is updated.
- If a species is selected a button is available to show/hide an addition information section with a chart of the January surveys for that selected species at that site and two tables with the geometric means for every 5-year period, one table for the January surveys and one for the winters. If a value for the Ramsar 1% criteria for the selected species is available, it is shown below the tables and mean values that match this 1% criteria are highlighted with a green background color.
- The site information lists in which years the site was surveyed, how many surveys were conducted and how many species were recorded at the site.
- A chart shows how many species were recorded in how many surveys. This gives an indication for how many species a site is a relevant site.
If the criteria for relevance is set to recorded in more than 1/3 of surveys conducted the data indicates that for an average of 56.1% of the species recorded, sites are not important with a minimum of 31.9% and a maximum of 71.4%.
The number of sites that have 50% or more species recorded for which they are not relevant based on the 1/3 criteria is 79.2%.
In the chart the numbers of more than 1/3 of surveys are shown in green, the other ones in red.
Below the chart a list of buttons is shown with the numbers of surveys, for which species were recorded. A click on these buttons shows a list of species with this amount of "in surveys recorded". The Clr-button removes these lists.
These numbers and lists can help to identify target species of a site and to define conservation efforts.
At 25.3% of all sites the rate of species recorded only one time is between 12.5% and 20%, at 60.6% of the sites between 20% and 30%, at 12.2% of the sites between 30% and 40%, at 1.4% of the sites between 40% and 50% and at one site 63.6%.
- In the reports names of many sites have changed several times and a list shows all names that were used in the reports.
- Up to the winter 2013/14 delineation maps were included in the reports. These maps also show the areas where flocks of bigger numbers where recorded. If maps are available for a location one is shown in small in the location detail view below the Province-map. With a click on the map all available maps for the selected location are diplayed.
- The 1%-criteria data is based on the 2022 Wetlands International & EAAFP Secretariat “Report on the Conservation Status of Migratory Waterbirds of the East Asian – Australasian Flyway. First Edition”.